

羅馬書 15 章 20 節,保羅說:「我立了志向,不在基督的名被稱過的地方傳福音,免得建造在別 人的根基上,就如經上所記:“未曾聞知他信息的,將要看見;未曾聽過的,將 要明白。”」

大衛‧路易斯(David Lewis)所寫的「何 為平庸」。他說:「“平庸”是失敗者的藉口。當他們的朋友問為什麼不能比較成功 時,他總有藉口。“平庸”是普普通通、無足輕重、乏善可陳的;是懶人不負責任 的託辭,因缺乏採取立場的勇氣,而默認的存活方式。“平庸”是佔據了空間卻無 目的,是對神在你身上的投資交出了沒有利息的回報。“平庸”是打發生命、消磨 時間,而不是善用光陰。成功者被人記住他的貢獻,失敗者人們也記得他曾經努 力過,但沉默的大多數,那平庸者,就只能被人遺忘。」

,經歷基督在我裡面長大,經歷在基督裡長大成人,滿有基督長成量。保羅說:「神能照著運行在我們心裡的大力,充充足足的成就一切超過我們所求所想的。」(以弗所書 3 章 20節)

創世記 41 章 49 節,經文說:「約瑟積蓄五穀甚多,如同海邊的沙,無法計算,因為穀不可勝數。」

今天時間不太夠,昨天蚊子太多,今天太晚起床。 今天的詩歌很好聽--勇敢。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnLFP-HSkvU


以下是我2017年12月28日的日記, 回顧過去,感覺自己英文真破, 雖然現在也好不到哪裡去, 但是....重點是, 每天都比昨天好就好了。 對吧!

2017 Tangage to Wyeco, Chinese to English

2017/12/28 6 months learning of English. I ever think of to note the everyday life before I join Wyeco, but actually, I don’t have much time. Thing always far away from our imagination. Although the working hours is between 8AM to 5PM, but I have to leave home about 7AM, as usual, I have to keep up the good work, to have 35 minutes cardio work out every day. It is hard for me for the beginning of the 1st moth in Wyeco.
End of tomorrow, it will be 2 months for Wyeco. It’s a strange experience for me, I still have no any responsibility for this job or for this company.
I always remember, I told myself, once they offer me for the job, I should devote myself in this job.

Back to the English learning.
Since the end of June, 2017, I start to pick up the English leaning, I also pay some tuition for the “effortless English” maybe for three months, but it really help. I learnt how to listen the English, especially my listening skill is poor. Mr. AJ Hoge, really help me. He thought me listen and listen, repeat and repeat, deeply listening/reading, every day.
6 months past, I can feel, my listening skill is improved a little bit. I have confident to express myself in English when needed.
Use English took the diary is also a good idea, maybe I need to put it to a habit for the 2018.





